we are open today, will close two hours early to enable safe travel home.
snow day update
the training center and office will remain closed for today…please check back here later in the day for news about Thursday.
Snow Day Office Closure
In the interest of safety of our apprentices and staff the office will be closed Wednesday January 17th until the all clear is given by management of the TTTA Training center. Watch for the all clear posts here on this Blog. When we are certain that driving conditions are not hazardous we will post here that the Training Center will be open and at what time. Now, we anticipate being open for sure on Thursday January 18th.
Brick, Concrete and Tile Training, Apprenticeship Update
We are open and training bricklayers, tilesetters and cement masons.
Contact Ira Maheu for Brick and Tile at imaheu@ttta.ca and Ron Adamson for Cement and Plastering at ron@opcmia919.org.
Blended Training (online for classroom) is available.
We Are Open for Business!
Training continues here at the TTTA Training Center. We are still following strict COVID 19 rules, masking, social distancing, daily health checks, hand washing, sanitizing. Doors are secured and you instructor will meet you at the entry point. If you need to do some business in the office call the office from the parking lot or before heading down to let us know you need to take care of some business or want an appointment for a tour or consultation.
Technical Training Fees, Jan 1 2021
Apprenticeship Training Fees
Bricklayer register by calling 604-580-2463
Level 1, 2, 3 $ 1,950.00 each, Textbooks $ 225.00
Tilesetter register by calling 604-580-2463
Level 1, 2, 3 $ 1,300.00 each, Textbook Included
Concrete Finisher register by calling 604-585-9198
Level One $ 1,625.00 Textbook Included
Level Two $ 2,275.00 Textbook Included
COVID 19 Modification to Training Location, Bricklaying Apprenticeship
March 17 2020 Brick Training Update…The Level 2 Bricklayer Class is continuing with a modified delivery of training. Until further notice all sessions will be held online via email, facebook, messenger or Skype. We will also be conducting class via telephone conference call. You will be notified as soon as possible the numbers and login codes that will be used. In the meantime check with the blog at https://blog.ttta.ca and ask to join the Facebook page entitled TTTA Bricklayer Level 2 Training Group. Practical sessions will be scheduled with your consultation and when pandemic concerns have subsided. Your course is not cancelled. Tim will be putting together classroom assignments and quizzes tomorrow and they will be sent to you via email or mail. Thanks for helping us adapt to the unforeseen events. Geoff Higginson
March 17 2020…Trainees. We will be making a decision today about suspending the shop classes for a period of time until the pandemic subsides. In the event practical sessions and on site classroom sessions are suspended, class room sessions will continue via online communication and broadcasts to cover as much content as possible from a distance. We will consult with you as to when and how to complete the practical portion of the training. Part of our actions today are working with government to ensure EI claims will be continued during this time. This will not cost you more money if we suspend on site training. Check back here for continual updates or go to the FACEBOOK Group TTTA Bricklayer Level 2 Training Group.
March 14 2020…The TTTA has been informed that the trainee who was being tested for covid 19 as a precaution has tested negative. The Training Center will be open Monday as usual for training. Please follow the precautions in the COVID 19 Poster shown below. Keep your distance. Stay home if you feel sick. Any questions call Geoff or Roy. See the TTTA Statement of Precautionary Closure below.
The TTTA is closing its doors to the public until further notice. We are exercising an abundance of caution to ensure trainees, staff, Union Members and members of the public are not at risk of coincidental exposure to the COVID 19 Virus. There have not been any confirmed exposures or positive tests of this virus among trainees or staff. However, given the potential risk to our clients and staffs extended families and daily contacts we have taken these steps to err on the side of caution. Please see the statements and links below for more information.
TTTA Statement of Precautionary Closure of Office.
Joint Statement of BC Building Trades and Construction Labour Relations Association-Re:Covid 19…
When Will We Be Re-Opening?
The office will consider all factors over this weekend and through the day on Monday as to when we will be able to re-open. If the office is able to reopen next week the instructional programs will add hours to the daily classes to ensure all trainees are able to complete their program. In the event it is not possible to reopen the facility next week, training will be rescheduled to a time that will work for all trainees. For any other questions please contact the office at 604-580-2463 or contact Geoff (Brick and Tile) at 778-847-2472 or Roy (Cement Masons) at 604-999-2143.
Friday Classes. Snow?
The training center will be open this morning.
Thursday Classes. SNOW?
We will be there today. Some areas received more snow overnight. If your drive is treacherous stay home. We will post reading assignments here later this morning.
We are here and we are training today. Industrial Rd has a bunch of packed snow on it but is relatively passable.
Reading assignment for apprentices at home… chapters three and seven in the “Textbook of Canadian Masonry”.

Snow Day
Dont even try. Unless you are close to the school just wait until roads are cleared. Archie will be there if you are already on the way. Otherwise hole up till it clears.