we are open today, will close two hours early to enable safe travel home.
snow day update
the training center and office will remain closed for today…please check back here later in the day for news about Thursday.
Snow Day Office Closure
In the interest of safety of our apprentices and staff the office will be closed Wednesday January 17th until the all clear is given by management of the TTTA Training center. Watch for the all clear posts here on this Blog. When we are certain that driving conditions are not hazardous we will post here that the Training Center will be open and at what time. Now, we anticipate being open for sure on Thursday January 18th.
Brick, Concrete and Tile Training, Apprenticeship Update
We are open and training bricklayers, tilesetters and cement masons.
Contact Ira Maheu for Brick and Tile at imaheu@ttta.ca and Ron Adamson for Cement and Plastering at ron@opcmia919.org.
Blended Training (online for classroom) is available.
We Are Open for Business!
Training continues here at the TTTA Training Center. We are still following strict COVID 19 rules, masking, social distancing, daily health checks, hand washing, sanitizing. Doors are secured and you instructor will meet you at the entry point. If you need to do some business in the office call the office from the parking lot or before heading down to let us know you need to take care of some business or want an appointment for a tour or consultation.
Friday Classes. Snow?
The training center will be open this morning.
Thursday Classes. SNOW?
We will be there today. Some areas received more snow overnight. If your drive is treacherous stay home. We will post reading assignments here later this morning.
We are here and we are training today. Industrial Rd has a bunch of packed snow on it but is relatively passable.
Reading assignment for apprentices at home… chapters three and seven in the “Textbook of Canadian Masonry”.

Snow Days. Check Back on this Blog before you head to class.
The TTTA will generally always have someone here during normal business hours. For exceptionally bad snow days or during potentially dangerous conditions we may decide to close the facility and will post that information here or call all training participants. If you cannot make it to class due to road conditions in your area notify your instructor via text message or a phone call. Be aware that Industrial Road does not always receive the best treatment from plows and salt trucks and the road may be very slick.